
My name is Anna, I am a world traveller and an explorer of the alchemy between wellbeing and spirituality. I am Priestess of Goddess and of Avalon and Founder of the Milan International Goddess Temple©. I am here to support you in your journey of personal and spiritual growth, to let your true essence emerge, and guide you to a renewed state of profound and conscious wellness.
Mine is a unique mix of intuition, vision, transformation, and connection to the universal energy, combined with mentoring and healing techniques from all over the world. I offer you concrete, tailor made solutions to realign you with the greatest magic of all: yours.
Have I stirred your curiosity? Here is my life’s journey!
My innate wanderlust has guided me abroad since the age of 12 into the discovery of new cultures, traditions, and uniqueness – in other words, the discovery of others and, ultimately, of myself.

From Greenland to Nepal, from the American Pacific Northwest to the Holy Land, from Iceland to Uzbekistan to Transylvania. A wealth of experiences and adventures collected over 30 years that, combined with my brave and empathic personality, have granted me unparalleled intuition and open mindedness.

My ancestral predilection for Paleo-European history and Norse civilisation led me to emigrate from Italy at the age of 18, embarking towards Northern Europe. I am of Friulian origin, therefore Longobard and Venetic: perhaps I felt the call of the North?
I lived 10 years between Iceland and the United Kingdom, where I achieved my BA, MA, and PhD in Old Norse and Modern Icelandic at University College London and the University of Iceland.

During my academic and following years, I dedicated myself to parallel paths in tune with my passions. I am a historical reenactor of the Viking Age and, in addition to being a seasoned warrior, I dedicate myself to the use of dyeing herbs and the archaeological reconstruction of clothes and accessories.
It is precisely these passion for travelling and sensitivity towards ‘otherness’ that have led me to explore beyond the boundaries of the physical, treading through the woods of the metaphysical: initially with the aim of rediscovering myself, and ultimately to accompany others through their own inner journey.

I have specialised in the holistic disciplines that I feel most attuned to my true self, being taught by some of the most knowledgeable national and international teachers, with a predilection for everything that moves universal energy – the greatest magic.
I studied Sound Healing and Tibetan Singing Bowls with Master Shree in Nepal, and Shamanism with Lorenza Menegoni, a scholar of Michael Harner. I am a Reiki Master and Kundalini Reiki Master, initiated first in Milan, and then in Kathmandu, Nepal. I am Moon Mother© activated by Miranda Gray. I love oracle reading, which I have practiced since I was a child, magick, the use of crystals, aromas, and meditation to rebalance and transform one’s vital energy.

In 2018 I embarked on the journey to become Priestess of Goddess and Priestess of Avalon, and in 2022 I opened as Founder and Director the Milan International Goddess Temple©. A journey to which I felt called from deep within, a transformation and a vocation, a constellation of hints and clues whose circle will finally find a closure – or an opening? – on the path to support others in their own self discovery and growth.

If you are looking for the perfect journey companion to explore yourself and amplify your wellbeing, you are in the right place!
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Shall we set off together? Contact me!

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