By Dark Moon Crystals (Leah Shoman), Ed. Rockpool Publishing

The Summer Solstice and Litha season are approaching. Summer is almost upon us, and I can already feel the warmth and intense light of the sun reflecting on the waves of the sea …
This was the first impression I had when I held in my hands the new Astral Realms Crystal Oracle deck, which has just been released by the visionary Australian publisher Rockpool Publishing. A sensation of intense, clear, and crystalline light.
Its wonderful illustrations, designed by Paige McLeod’s Prism + Fleur Design Studio, portray dreamlike visions from the Other World. Astral realms floating on pastel pink clouds, surrounded by planets and constellations, and by the powerful energy of crystals.
Crystals, indeed, as the Astral Realms Crystal Oracle tells about them in each of its cards, expertly selected and described by the deck’s author Dark Moon Crystals aka Leah Shoman. Crystals immersed in an astral and spiritual realm, connected to the bodily dimension through the Chakra system.

I very much enjoyed the accompanying booklet, which provides, for each card, a keyword, an affirmation, a mantra, an accurate description of the meaning of each card and its elements, and finally a section called ‘Activation Guidance’, with practical suggestions, insights, and food for thought for the activation of each crystal’s energy.
My favourite cards in this oracle deck? As you may know, I love crystals and I am a crystal therapist and healer, and I loved many cards out of this deck. Spirit Quartz, Larimar, Herkimer Diamond, Calcite, Ammonite, and Super Seven, to name just a few.
I am loving the Astral Realms Crystal Oracle and I would highly recommend it for a full immersion in its dreamlike dimension as well as to work with the energy of crystals. You can purchase it on Rockpool Publishing’s website, and at selected retailers.

If you are interested in an oracle reading with me, at this link you will find all information about my divination services, or you can send me an email at . To keep up with my activities and events, I invite you to follow me on my social media channels Facebook and Instagram.
Until next time,