Guided meditation and relaxation, grounding and centering: The benefits of this ancient practice of spiritual and mental healing
Meditation, journeying, sharing. Practices as old as the world itself that transcend religions, geographies and cultures.
Let yourself be carried away by a gentle voice, sounds, aromas, sensations, to uncover what wishes to be revealed to you, and above all, to discover yourself. There are many techniques and traditions: together we will find the one most in tune with your true self.
Circles and rituals are equally ancient, and they are seeing a revival in recent years. I love conducting circles, journeying and sharing with those I accompany, both as Moon Mother©, and for seasonal celebrations such as for instance Beltane and Samhain, or for the Full Moon and New Moon.

What are the key benefits of meditation, be it guided meditation or silent meditation?
- A state of deep and complete psychophysical relaxation
- An effective method of centering and grounding
- A decrease in your levels of stress, anxiety, nervous tension, mood swings, discomfort, and fatigue
- Greater self awareness, and awareness of your energies and of your potential
- An improvement in your concentration and mental clarity skills
- A valid support to counteract insomnia and sleep disorders
- A new vision to face challenges and difficulties in a more serene and centered way
- A regeneration of your physical, mental, and emotional energies
- A renewed connection to your spirituality and rooting in the energies of nature
For you who love meditation or are intrigued by this millennial practice of centering and grounding; or if you are looking for an effective solution to the stress, anxiety, nervous tension and psychophysical fatigue of everyday life or your feeling of the moment … I created Oberon, my guided meditation path, to travel together towards a renewed inner peace, and seek the answers that reside within you and can’t wait to be explored! Find out all information here.

And what if you are looking to join a Circle of Women aligned with you, to meditate together, ground ourselves, center ourselves, and rediscover ourselves in our true essence?
You can join my Women’s Circles that I organise every month on the occasion of the Full Moon and the New Moon, and for the seasonal celebrations of the Wheel of the Year. Follow my Facebook and Instagram pages, where I publish the events that I organise. I look forward to meeting you, in sharing and sisterhood!
Would you like to try my Guided Meditations or join my Circles, or celebrate the Full Moon and New Moon together?