According to the Wheel of Britannia of Avalonian tradition, Yule’s winter season is the time of dreams, of visions, of the quiet in which we – just like the dormant nature – curl up waiting for Spring and its renewed vitality. What we have sown rests in the earth, ready to sprout, and likewise our dreams.

I always keep my dream journal on the bedside table, to record them as soon as I wake up – and even more so during this season. In addition, I also keep under my pillow a sachet of herbs useful to stimulate prophetic dreams and astral journeys in the oneiric dimension, so as to amplify my awareness of messages that might reach me from the Other World at night. It is my dream pillow.

Let’s find out which herbs I find are the most effective for this! *

© Riza
Magickal herb and witches’ herb par excellence, mugwort is the totemic plant for astral journeying, psychic awareness, and prophetic dreams. I never fail to add dried mugwort to my dream pillows, and I often work with it for my magickal bags in multiple uses.

Another powerful plant for prophetic dreams and astral journeys is bay, or laurel, known since ancient times for its countless beneficial properties. I always add a few leaves to my dream pillow. Extra little tip: write your intent or your question on a bay leaf, place it under your pillow, and let the answers flow to you in the night.

I love nutmeg, I use it a lot both whole and powdered in my rituals, especially during this season. With its ancestral and evocative scent, it is another key ingredient for easier access into the dream dimension.
Star Anise

And how not to love star anise, another spice synonymous with Yule? Intense, mysterious, pungent, the unmistakable aroma of this eight-pointed star will transport you to the world of dreams, enveloping you in its magic.
If you wish to find out more about this fascinating topic, and explore the magic of herbs further, I suggest the ‘cult’ book by Scott Cunningham ‘Magical Aromatherapy’. And remember, once you have finished using your herbs, return them to the earth, in a continuous exchange, in the cyclical nature of giving to receive, and receive to give.

Would you like to receive your personalised dream pillow to amplify your prophetic dreams? Contact me!
* Note: all mentioned herbs and their suggested usage are to be considered for external and symbolic use only. They are not intended to be ingested in any form or composition. As with all herbs, always check that you have no allergies to them before usage.